Candy Company Sorry Its Gummy Candy Came Out Penis-Shaped

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You know that excited, blissful feeling that comes when you're just about to chow down on a fresh pack of gummy bears, but then you notice you're actually holding a fistful of penises? Because after a little mixup at the gummy bear factory, a whole bunch of kids in New Zealand do. And the company would like them to shut their eyes tightly and mail the penises back, please.

The guerilla sex-ed maneuver was accidentally carried out by New Zealand candy company Dutch Rusk after recently importing "five pallets" of the penis-shaped candy from another manufacturer. Then the calls started to come in. As the company's managing director of sales, Jack Van de Geest, told Stuff:

When first someone told us we thought they were joking, it can't be right.

But they said no, it's honestly true so they sent us a bag. Then another phone call came a couple of days later and we thought, 'what's going on?' and got everything sent back.


In exchange for their troubles, the company is giving customers a complimentary bag of (presumably non-penis-spiked) gummies. But as Van de Geest admits "these things happen."

It's like the old adage goes, rogue penis-shaped candy just happens. [Stuff via Foodbeast]
