Borg Cube Mini-Fridge: Freezistance Is Futile

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It's apparently taken some 27 years for a marketing genius at Paramount to realize that the cube-shaped Borg ship introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation bears an uncanny resemblance to a mini fridge. But someone has finally put two and two together resulting in what's easily one of the best Star Trek-themed products of the past 20+ years.

Is $150 a lot of money to pay to keep just nine cans of pop cold and within easy reach? It doesn't matter. The Borg are some of the best baddies in science-fiction history, and there's some wonderful attention to detail here, not the least of which being that cool green glow inside and out. Furthermore, this doesn't just cool beverages, it's also got a warm setting for keeping food hot. So short of sink functionality, this cube almost puts a complete tiny kitchen in your college dorm room—which should help convince your parents to buy you one for September. [ThinkGeek]

