Watch the Lucasfilm Story Group Point Out Several Obscure Rogue One Easter Eggs

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The weekly Star Wars YouTube show, The Star Wars Show, has been off for a few weeks, but a bonus “Secrets Explained” episode popped up Friday night featuring three members of the Lucasfilm Story Group talking about Easter eggs in Rogue One.

Much of what’s discussed we’ve discussed on the site: the Rebels stuff, Red and Gold Leader, etc. But they get into some much deeper detail too, such as throwaway lines of dialogue and characters that link back to A New Hope, and whether characters who don’t die on screen die in the film—lots of good stuff. This is a must-watch for Rogue One and Star Wars fans.

There’s so much great stuff in here but, my favorite has to be around 19 minutes in. That’s when the guys explain why Leia was brought to the battle of Scarif, one of my personal burning questions about the film.


What are some of your favorite revelations?


